Cosmetic Surgery Ottawa

Browlift Surgery Can Reduce the Signs of Aging

A diagram showing where skin is lifted during browlift surgery.The browlift procedure is designed primarily to elevate sagging eyebrows in addition to possibly softening the creases or furrows between the eyebrows and the deeper forehead wrinkles.

In order to diminish the creases, muscle resection is required. The desired look following surgery is intended to achieve a more rested, youthful appearance.

This particular type of surgery is performed in an outpatient setting utilizing either a local or general anesthetic and quite often is combined with either eyelid surgery and/or a facelift procedure.

About the Procedure

An artistic rendering of a face showing the areas where the face is lifted during browlift surgery.There are two forms of surgical intervention. One requires the use of a lengthy incision across the top of the scalp which is most commonly positioned behind the hairline (Diagram A).

If, however, the patient presents with a high hairline, a more anterior incision is recommended.

Alternatively, a procedure which is referred to as an endoscopic technique uses very small incisions in the scalp region to gain access to the forehead region. (Diagram B).

This technique utilizes the use of a small camera devise and an endoscope to allow visualization of the underlying tissue to be treated.

The indications and specifics or details of each of these two procedure including potential risks, limitations and complications would be reviewed extensively with you by Dr. James Lacey at the time of your initial consultation.

Following your surgery, you will be discharged with a head wrap in place, while the recovery process usually occurs over a 7 to 10 day time span.

If you would like to speak with Dr. James Lacey about a Browlift, you can request a consultation by clicking here.

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