When a woman has overly large breasts that cause physical strain on her body, a breast reduction procedure may help to reduce neck and back pain. This surgery removes fat, skin, and tissue to diminish the size of the breast and create a more proportionate bust. Breast reduction procedures performed by Dr. James Lacey in Ottawa, Ontario, have helped many women alleviate pain and enjoy improved confidence in their figures. If you are unhappy with your large breasts and would like to learn more about the benefits of breast reduction, please contact our office to make an appointment with Dr. James Lacey.

Before Your Surgery
When you come in to our office for your initial consultation with Dr. James Lacey, he will perform a thorough evaluation and the two of you will have a discussion about your goals for the procedure. He will recommend which surgical technique will be most beneficial for you, as well as answer any questions you have about the procedure. We have found that by thoroughly educating our patients on their surgical options, we provide the tools to help them make the most informed decisions about their care. Dr. James Lacey will carefully explain any possible risks or complications that may be involved in your surgery. He will also give you specific pre- and post-operative instructions to ensure that your procedure is successful.
The Breast Reduction Procedure
There are a number of techniques for breast reduction that Dr. James Lacey can choose from:
- Anchor pattern technique - This is the most commonly performed breast reduction technique, and involves incisions made horizontally in the breast crease, vertically up the breast, and around the nipple. This method allows for skin to be removed both vertically and horizontally, and is typically the best option for women with extremely large breasts.
- Vertical incision method - For women who do not require extensive tissue removal, this method has become more popular. Also known as a lollipop incision, this technique involves an incision that extends around the areola and downwards towards the breast crease.
- Donut technique - This incision pattern requires just one circular incision around the areola. It is only recommended for moderate amounts of tissue removal and results in scarring that is naturally camouflaged.
- Scarless lift - For patients who have more fatty tissue in their breasts than glandular tissue, using liposuction to perform the reduction procedure can have many advantages. This technique involves small incisions under the armpit or in the breast crease where the cannula is inserted to remove excess fatty tissue.
Each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages, and Dr. James Lacey will carefully explain your options so that we can choose the most appropriate technique.
Aftercare and Recovery
Patients who undergo liposuction on its own can expect minimal discomfort after their surgery, and most can return to their normal schedules the following day. Patients who undergo a traditional surgical technique can expect to rest and recover for the first few days following their procedure. Although these patients are encouraged to resume light activity to promote healing, Dr. James Lacey will need to provide approval before you can return to more strenuous exercise. The doctor will provide you with detailed recovery instructions before you leave the facility.
Schedule a Consultation
If you have considered a breast reduction procedure and would like more information about the cost or recovery process, please contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. James Lacey.